Mysteryfy – How to Play
If you are looking for info & tips on how to play Mysteryfy you are in the right place!
With Mysteryfy you can live the experience of solving a crime case, directly for your device. Mysteryfy contains a lot of different crime stories, each one inspired by a genre of the crime fiction, such as detective fiction, whodunit, locked-room mystery, horror, thriller, spy story and many others.
Therefore, playing with Mysteryfy is like reading a book in first person where you can write the end of the story, solving the mystery behind the murder and find the culprit. You can read a preview (without spoilers) of our stories in this article.
But how to play with Mysteryfy? It’s very easy and intuitive but if you have never played with one of our stories here you can find a brief recap of how to use Mysteryfy.
The aim of the game is not only to find the culprit hiding among the various suspects, but also to understand the central details of the mystery, such as the motives, the dynamics of the murder and much more. At the end of the game, you will receive a final score based on how you answer the final questions and the number of leads you have unlocked.
To get a higher score you will have to answer the concluding questions correctly, trying to solve the investigation with the least number of leads and clues or helps.
In every story you choose to play, after a brief presentation of the setting and the case in question, you will reach a main page, the DETECTIVE’S DESK, which shows the various leads of the investigation. This will be the central page of your investigation, to which you can return at any time. From the desk, you will also be able to access the BOARD, where you can view game progress and consult all the clues collected so far during the investigation.
Our CRIME MYSTERY GAMES can be played in single player or multiplayer mode.
SINGLE PLAYER MODE: You are the one who determines the progress of the investigation. You can decide which leads to unlock and which clues to look for in order to solve the case. During the game, depending on your investigative style, you will be able to obtain BADGEs, recognitions of your qualities as an investigator.
MULTIPLAYER MODE: This is the recommended mode for having a fun evening with your friends. Who buys (or launch) the story is the “Master” and the other players are the “Guests”. The Master is the only one who can unlock the leads of the investigation. Once a lead is unlocked, each player can search for various clues and navigate independently. Finally, only the Master can access the final part of the game to send the solution (obviously always thanks to the help of the investigations carried out by all the other players). In this mode the BADGEs and the SCORE are common to all the participants.
During the game you will be able to access particular sections of the story through icons:

FORWARD: to proceed to the next page. If you use the “home” button on your device you will exit the adventure. No problem: returning you will find yourself at the same point in the story.

BACK: to return to the previous page.

DESK: to return to the detective’s desk.

BOARD: where you can see your progress and reread the clues you have discovered.

GIVE THE SOLUTION: this icon leads you to the end of the game, where you can only give the solution to the mystery without being able to go back to the story. So be careful!

LEAVE THE GAME: exit the game without saving your progress; the next time you log in, the adventure will start from the beginning.
At any time during your investigation, you can return to your desk by pressing the relevant icon. Every time you “open a lead” the related photo will turn in color to remind you that you have walked that branch of investigation.
During the game do not use the back button of your mobile/tablet, use only the text links and navigation buttons of the app.
Mysteryfy is not just an app, it’s an immersive game experience!
Therefore, you can choose to play only with your devices but you can also set up a few things for you and your friends, to make each game unique, such as a background music, costumes and a special dinner.
To help you make your evening special with a murder mystery party we though to share with you some ideas and tips in this article.